Month: May 2011

  • Sometimes I say I’m not feeling anything, but I’m actually feeling more than you should feel …

    Sometimes I say I’m not feeling anything,

    but I’m actually feeling more than you should feel …

    Do not forget to forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much._OSCAR WILDE

    - PATIENCE -:

    - The interval between the seed and flower..

    You say you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say you love the sun, but you are looking for a spot of shade when the sun shines. You say you love the wind but you shut the windows when the wind blows. That’s why I’m afraid.You also say you love me.

                                        William Shakespeare

    Mistakes can be forgiven. Attitudes may be reconsidered. But words can never be forgotten.

    “Love causes strange reactions in people.”

    You gotta say what you feel when you are actually feeling . Taylor Swift

    Desire for a passionate life.

    The only problem is that life does not replay the best moments.

    If everything starts to make sense to take advantage. Why smiles do not last forever..

    Nobody gets tired of dreaming, because dreaming is forgetting and forgetting is not heavy and dreamless sleep we are awake.